
Media enquiries

Our office hours are 0900 to 1730 Monday to Thursday and 0900 to 1700 on Friday. We also operate an overnight/weekend duty service.

During office hours

Media enquiries, including requests for statements, interviews, speeches, statistics or forward diary information, should be directed to the relevant team.


Phone no.

First Minister

0300 244 9020

Deputy First Minister, Economy and Gaelic 0300 244 9024

Health and Social Care

0300 244 9021

Education and Skills       

0300 244 9022

Justice and Home Affairs

0300 244 9023

Net Zero, Energy and Rural Affairs

0300 244 9026

Social Justice

0300 244 9025

Finance, Local Government and Corporate 0300 244 9027
Constitution, External Affairs, Culture 

0300 244 9029

If you are not a member of the media, please call the Central Enquiries Unit on 0300 244 4000 or email

Out of office hours

Outside these hours and at weekends, journalists should contact the duty communications officer on 0300 244 0222.

Calls are logged by security staff and the duty officer will call back as soon as possible.

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