
Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director-General Health and Social Care

Caroline Lamb



The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road


Caroline was appointed Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director-General Health and Social Care in January 2021.


The Chief Executive of NHS Scotland provides strategic direction to the NHS in Scotland and drives performance, efficiency, value for money and the delivery of sustainable safe, effective and person-centred services – currently with a particular focus on the operational response to the COVID-19 emergency.

The Director General for Health and Social Care is responsible for maintaining a high standard of care for the people of Scotland and for providing support to Scotland's health and social care professionals.

The Director-General Health and Social Care is a member of the Scottish Government's Corporate Governance Board.


Caroline moved into the Scottish Government in December 2019 to lead the Digital Health and Care Directorate. Advancing the use of digital technologies to support our health and care services remains one of her main priorities. Prior to this role, she had worked for the NHS and was appointed as Chief Executive of NHS Education for Scotland in 2015.

From March 2020, Caroline was asked to take on other roles, including:

  • leading on the COVID-19 related ICU surge requirements
  • acting as Portfolio Director for Test and Protect from May 2020
  • becoming Delivery Director for the Extended Seasonal Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programmes from August 2020

Caroline trained as a Chartered Accountant in London. After qualifying she moved to Scotland, working first in housing and then in education. 

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