
Chief Economist Directorate

What we do

We provide analytical support to the directorates in Director-General Economy, Scottish Exchequer and Strategy and External Affairs.

We have four broad objectives:

  • to use economics, statistics and social and operational research to help shape and inform policy
  • to provide high-quality analytical advice and support for Ministers and colleagues on all aspects of the Scottish economy and the public finances across a wide range of policy areas, including fiscal sustainability, taxation, culture, climate change, energy, trade, investment, labour market, regions, enterprise and skills
  • to produce timely, trusted and robust economic statistics and improve the quality and coverage of economic data, modelling and analysis in Scotland
  • to provide strategic oversight for the development and co-ordination of economic policy, economic recovery mitigation and actions and narrative

We also:

  • provide analysis to support Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation in order to deliver an equitable, sustainable, and dynamic wellbeing economy
  • lead on supporting the work of the Wellbeing Economy Governments group, of which Scotland was a founding member
  • provide a central point of analysis on the Scottish economy, providing a corporate resource and regular briefings
  • champion economics and oversee the economic analysis and the professional economist group (over 100 economists)

Who we are

Cabinet Secretary and Ministers




Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road



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