
EU Directorate

The Scottish Government EU Office was established in 1999, and works alongside Scotland Europa. It is located in Scotland House, Brussels, in the European quarter of the city. The team promotes Scottish interests and expertise by:

  • focussing on key policy areas and themes such as: net zero and biodiversity, inclusive growth and the wellbeing economy, research and innovation, Scotland’s distinct legal system, and trade and investment opportunities for Scotland
  • providing advice and support to ministers and officials, including directly engaging with EU institutions, European parliamentarians, member states, regional representations based in Brussels, EU based networks and other stakeholders
  • providing support to Ministers and officials visiting Brussels on EU business, including preparation of official programmes
  • building Scotland's influence and reputation through policy events, participating in networks, making new contacts and connections, sharing Scottish good practice and leadership, and learning best practice from others
  • working with colleagues in the UK Mission to the EU, the Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive offices
  • working closely with colleagues across the Directorate for External Affairs (DEXA) and all relevant areas of the Scottish Government, ensuring information flow between teams, and supporting policy officials on knowledge of the EU policy agenda, including upcoming EU proposals, initiatives and developments
  • taking forward a programme of cultural events (for example around St. Andrews Day, Burns Night) to engage contacts in existing networks, showcase Scottish cultural excellence, promote themed years and build relationships
  • working closely with Scotland Europa to deliver our shared Business Plan objectives, including supporting delivery of Programme for Government commitments

Who we are

Cabinet Secretary and Ministers




Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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