
Chief Financial Officer

Jackie McAllister



Chief Financial Officer
Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road


Jackie McAllister was appointed as Chief Financial Officer in November 2020.


The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a key advisor to Scottish ministers on financial matters and is responsible for the management of the Scottish Government’s financial functions. The CFO also acts as professional advisor to the Scottish Government’s Executive Team in their role as accountable officers of the Scottish Administration.

The CFO’s responsibilities include:

  • ensuring that resources are aligned to the Scottish Government’s priorities, and support the delivery of economic, efficient and effective services and initiatives
  • managing the Scottish Government’s budget within the parameters set by Ministers and delivering its treasury functions in line with fiscal policies.
  • delivering financial reporting, accountancy, and advice services for the Scottish Government and a range of public bodies, and developing and maintaining financial systems and processes
  • oversight of the Scottish Public Finance Manual, providing advice including on corporate governance, financial controls and the management of risk
  • working collaboratively with the Scottish Exchequer to inform fiscal policies, medium term financial strategies and budget setting
  • overseeing completion of annual accounts and audit processes, and supporting associated scrutiny by the Scottish Parliament
  • serving as the Head of the Finance Profession within the Scottish Government and leading the development of it financial capacity and capabilities

The Chief Financial Officer is a member of the Scottish Government's Executive Team, attends the Audit and Assurance Committee and is a member of a range of corporate and programme delivery boards.


Before joining the Scottish Government, Jackie was Deputy Director of Finance and Control in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. Jackie has significant experience in senior finance roles within the UK Civil Service and in local government. Originally from Elgin, she lives in Glasgow with her husband, two daughters and dog. 

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