
Performance, Delivery and Resilience Directorate

We provide the central function of co-ordination and support for performance, delivery and resilience activity across government and ensure that the organisation monitors and responds well to a range of concurrent risks.

We support the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Shona Robison MSP, as well as  the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, Angela Constance MSP.

This support includes executing and managing responsibilities such as:

  • resilience
  • cross-government delivery and outcomes
  • government statistics
  • the office of the Chief Researcher
  • the National Performance Framework
  • government strategy, including the First Minister’s Programme for Government (PfG)

All of our activities see us work across the organisation to provide a strategic, co-ordinated and focussed approach to delivering outcomes, driving improvement and ensuring operational resilience.

This includes responsibility for:

  • ensuring effective planning, preparation and planning on how to respond and recover from incidents, events or emergencies
  • supporting a greater focus on delivery across the organisation, developing and implementing new performance and delivery arrangements
  • providing analytical support

Who we are

Cabinet Secretary and Ministers




Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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