
Chief Social Policy Adviser

Professor Linda Bauld



The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

Professor Linda Bauld was appointed as Chief Social Policy Adviser in September 2021.


The Chief Social Policy Adviser:

  • provides ministers with expert social and behavioural science advice
  • promotes evidence-based policy making and the contribution of research within and outside government to effectively deliver outcomes
  • supports a cross-government approach to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • chairs relevant committees and advisory groups
  • leads the Office of the Chief Social Policy Adviser that contributes to analysis, research and policy making across government, particularly relating to supporting communities and addressing inequalities


This is a three-day-per week secondment. Professor Bauld also holds the Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health in the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. She has previously worked at the Universities of Kent, Glasgow, Bath and Stirling. From 2014 to 2021,  she combined her academic role with serving as Cancer Research UK’s cancer prevention adviser.

Professor Bauld is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Academy of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Public Health. She was awarded an OBE in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours.

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