
Adults with incapacity: forms and guidance

Collection of forms and guidance relating to adults with incapacity.

Set up or renew financial or welfare powers

Use these forms and guidance to set up or renew a guardianship or intervention order. Includes forms AWI 1 to AWI 10.

End financial or welfare powers

Use these forms and guidance if you are applying to end a guardianship or intervention order. Includes forms AWI 11 to AWI 13.

Recall of welfare guardianship

Forms AWI 14 to AWI 19 for use by local authorities and the Mental Welfare Commission.

Forms and guidance for medical and healthcare professionals

Providing treatment

Doctors and other authorised healthcare professionals should complete the below section 47 certificate of incapacity in order to provide non-emergency treatment to an adult who lacks capacity to give or refuse consent.

Dispensing with notification

Complete the certificate to dispense with notification in cases where it would pose a serious risk to the health of an adult to notify them that their capacity is to be examined and/or that their affairs are to be managed.



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