
Energy statistics

Statistical publications relating to energy in Scotland.


This section provides information on Scottish energy statistics, which tracks progress towards the future of energy in Scotland in line with the Scottish Energy Strategy.

All data can be found in the Scottish energy statistics hub.

Scotland heat map

The Scotland Heat Map Interactive website can be used by anyone. This interactive map and reporting tool allows you to examine where and how much demand there is for heat energy from buildings across Scotland. Heat demand estimates are presented for areas ranging from 50m grid squares to whole local authorities. It also lets you see where there are existing and planned heat networks and existing and potential sources of energy supply, alongside other relevant data. The purpose of the interactive map is to assist in identifying opportunities for lowering carbon emissions associated with heat in buildings. Most of the data can be downloaded in a range of formats including, where appropriate, web mapping services, web feature services, text files and/or image files. Guidance on how to use the Scotland Heat Map interactive can be found in its quick user guide

A more detailed heat map dataset is provided to local authorities to help with planning for energy efficiency improvements and low carbon heat in their areas.

You can find out more about the heat map and how to access data using the guidance and documentation on our Scotland Heat Map documents web page.




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