European Structural and Investment Funds: forms and guidance 2014-2020
List of all application forms and guidance for European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programmes from 2014 to 2020.
ESIF applications
ESIF programme information
- European Structural and Investment Funds: eligibility of expenditure
- European Structural and Investment Funds: roles and responsibilities paper
- European Structural and Investment Funds: Management and Control System
- European Structural and Investment Funds: definitions and acronyms
- European Structural and Investment Funds: complaints process
- European Structural and Investment Funds: dispute resolution process
ESIF guidance
- European Structural and Investment Funds: operation decommitment decision review process
- European Structural and Investment Funds: preparing for closure – best practice guide and key deadlines
- European Structural and Investment Funds: balance calculation review request process
- European Structural and Investment Funds: graduate placement scheme manager guidance
- European Structural and Investment Funds: document retention guidance
- European Structural and Investment Funds: final recipient records - organisations
- European Structural and Investment Funds: Challenge Fund principles and checklist
- European Structural and Investment Funds: grant fund manager guidance
- European Structural and Investment Funds: state aid guidance
- European Structural and Investment Funds: state aid rules
- European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Programmes: evidence required for verification checks - achievements and expenditure
- European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Programmes: evidence required for verification checks - outputs results
- European Structural and Investment Funds: claims and verifications
- ESF and ERDF programmes 2014-2020: horizontal themes guidance
Communications and publicity
Data protection
Audit and compliance documents
Read and download these documents:
- Article 125(5)(a) ERDF & ESF Cost Check Verification Template
- Article 125(5)(a) ESF File (Achievement) Check Verification Template
- Article 125(5)(a) ERDF File (Achievement) Check Verification Template
- Article 125 (5)(b) - On the spot verifications of operations
- Article 127(1) - SI audit checklist template v.1
- Article 127(1) - Operation audit checklist template v.1
- Article 127(1) - 2018 - B. fieldwork and evidence - achievement verification
- Article 127(1) - 2018 - B. fieldwork and evidence - expenditure verification
European Social Fund: guidance, records and reports
Other reference materials
- - ESIF UK partnership agreement
- European Commission - European Regional Development Fund monitoring and evaluation guidance
- European Commission - European Cohesion Fund and European Social Fund monitoring and evaluation guidance
- Annex D - practical guidance on data collection and validation
- European Commission - public procurement guidance for practitioners
- European Commission - financial corrections non-compliance with rules on public procurement
- guidance for the Commission and Member States on a common methodology for the assessment of management and control systems in the Member States
- guidance for Member States on Management verifications
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