

Evaluation is essential to the work of the Scottish Government to assess whether policies and interventions are being delivered as intended, and to help identify ways to improve them.


Evaluation is a set of tools for learning whether government interventions are working, and help to demonstrate accountability in the use of public money. Outputs from evaluations can be used to understand what interventions and policies are working so resources can be allocated to the right activities. They can be used to make improvement to policies, inform decisions to stop them, or provide evidence on what new policy options are most likely to work.. 

Evaluations in the Scottish Government are usually conducted or managed by in-house analysts.  To inform our evaluation activity we follow the principles outlined in the HM Treasury’s (HMT) guidance on evaluation - the Magenta Book, and also the Green Book (central government guidance on appraisal and evaluation). 

Evaluation Action Plan

The Scottish Government Evaluation Action Plan is our vision for evaluation for the next few years.

Find evaluations

All final reports of Scottish Government evaluations are published on and can be found using search.

Later in 2024/25 details of recently published and on-going Scottish Government evaluations will be available on the Cabinet Office's Evaluation Registry.

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