Scotland's Redress Scheme

Information about Scotland’s Redress Scheme which offers redress payments to people abused in care as children in the past, and some next of kin.


Scotland’s Redress Scheme is open for applications. It makes redress payments to people who were abused while in care as children before 1 December 2004, and some next of kin. Non-financial redress is also available including apology and emotional support.

Applying for redress

Application forms for Scotland's Redress Scheme are available online at

Find out more about Scotland's Redress Scheme, including who is eligible, how to apply and where to access support at the website - or call 0808 175 0808.

We are delivering the scheme alongside the independent body Redress Scotland. We handle applications and support survivors through the process, whilst Redress Scotland make decisions about applications.

The Redress Scotland website provides more information on timescales and how they make decisions.

Statutory guidance

Statutory guidance has been produced to provide detailed information on the operation of Scotland's Redress Scheme.


The law that set up the redress scheme is The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) Scotland Act 2021. This Act also establishes the new independent public body, Redress Scotland, to make decisions on redress applications.

Secondary legislation has been laid to set out further detail on some aspects of the redress scheme. See all secondary legislation.

Redress Scotland

We are delivering the scheme alongside the independent body Redress Scotland. We will handle applications and support survivors through the process, whilst Redress Scotland will make decisions about applications.

The Redress Scotland website is at


If you have a question or feedback about Scotland's Redress Scheme:

  • email:
  • call freephone: 0808 175 0808 (lines open Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm) - If calling from abroad, phone +44 131 297 6500
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