
Infrastructure Investment Plan: progress reports

Collection of progress reports on the infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-2022 to 2025-2026.

Annual progress reports

Annual progress reports relating to the Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26 which outlines the progress made in relation to the plan’s three themes during the last year as well as key delivery achievements and activity planned for the coming year.

Major capital projects updates

Six-monthly updates relating to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the Outline Business Case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond and which mainly comprises projects included at Annex D of the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan published in February 2021 and ongoing projects included within previous project progress updates. 

Project pipeline updates

Six-monthly updates relating to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more where an outline business case (or equivalent) is not yet approved and which mainly comprises projects included at Annex D of the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan published in February 2021.

Programme pipeline updates

Six-monthly updates relating to the delivery of key major infrastructure programmes included at Annex D of the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan published in February 2021 and other ongoing key major infrastructure programmes included within previous updates. 


Central Enquiry Unit


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