Journey times in the Scottish Criminal Justice System

Collection of bulletins assessing an accused person’s criminal justice journey time from offence date to case conclusion or verdict.


These bulletins present average criminal justice system journey lengths and how those are changing over time.

We have launched an interactive dashboard that provides quarterly updates on the length of accused persons journey times in the criminal justice system. The dashboard allows users to investigate trends from April 2017 by financial year or financial year quarter. It will be updated quarterly. The Interactive dashboard is available at the link below:
Journey times in the Scottish Criminal Justice System interactive dashboard

Version 2.0 of the dashboard was published on 18/12/24 and includes data up to 30th September 2024. This latest version of the dashboard incorporates the new breakdowns and times included in the latest bulletin. This version includes a police known to verdict median time, which is the time from the date the offence is first known by the police to the date when the case is closed by COPFS or a verdict is issued in criminal courts. This time reflects the stages of the of the justice journey which justice organisations can impact. 

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