
Local government finance statistics

Collection of statistics relating to local government finance.


Links to local government finance statistics. We are responsible for collecting, analysing and disseminating data on local government income and expenditure, covering revenue and capital spending, council tax and non-domestic rates.

Local government finance statistics: information for data suppliers

Council tax reduction

The Council Tax Reduction Extract is collected monthly and is used to monitor the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme. Scottish Government statisticians use the data provided by local authorities to produce and publish information on the CTR scheme, including the number of recipients and the income foregone by local authorities.

Copies of the latest CTR Extract data specification are available to download from this page.

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics (SLGFS) is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive overview of financial activity of Scottish local authorities based on authorities audited accounts. The publication covers: local authority income; revenue expenditure and income, capital expenditure and income; reserves; debt; local taxation; and local authority pensions.

Older local government finance statistics (from 2009-10 and earlier) are available on the archived site.

Provisional Outturn and Budget Estimates (POBE)

The Provisional Outturn and Budget Estimate (POBE) return collects provisional outturn figures for the current year and budget estimates for the forthcoming year on an annual basis. As of 2021, POBE figures for both revenue and capital have been integrated into a single return and publication. Prior to 2021 there were separate revenue and capital POBE returns and publications.

The figures collected in the POBE are used for a variety of purposes, including the calculation of GAE assessments and to feed in to HM Treasury publications.

Older Revenue POBE publications are available on the archived site.

Capital Provisional Outturn and Budget Estimates (CPOBE)

This publication is now available in the Provisional Outturn and Budget Estimates (POBE) section of this page

The funding of Local Government in Scotland

The annual ‘Funding of local government’ publication provides an overview of how funding has been allocated between the local authority councils in Scotland, while the ‘Local Government Allocation Statistics (Green Book)’ publication sets out in more detail the data, methodology and calculations underlying the distribution of this funding between the local authorities.


If you have any enquiries relating to local government finance statistics then please contact us at:



The Scottish Government
Local Government Finance Statistics
Area 3-G North
Victoria Quay

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