
Maternity Care Survey

The Maternity Care Survey asks women about their most recent NHS maternity care experience. It covers the maternity care journey from antenatal care through to care at home after the birth.


Through the Maternity Care Survey, we want to hear from women across Scotland about their maternity care experiences.  The survey responses inform local services, including NHS Boards, about experiences of maternity care, highlighting where things are going well and where they could be improved.  

The survey and sampling approach for each survey has been developed by the Scottish Government in consultation with a range of stakeholders including NHS Boards. Each survey involves a random sample of women who have recently given birth being invited to complete a questionnaire. The survey can be completed online; via a paper questionnaire and returned by post or by phone.


The survey was sent to a random sample of women who gave birth in Scotland in February or March 2018. A total of 5,064 eligible women were sampled and 2,049 were returned, giving a response rate of 40 per cent. More information on the survey design, response rates and methodology can be found in the Technical Report.


A total of 5,025 questionnaires were sent out and 2,036 were returned, giving a response rate of 41 per cent. More information on the survey design, response rates and methodology can be found in the Technical Report.


A total of 4,964 questionnaires were sent out and 2,366 were returned, giving a response rate of 48 per cent. More information on the survey design, response rates and methodology can be found in the National Report.

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