
NHSScotland workforce and PIN policies

Collection of NHSScotland workforce policies and Partnership Information Network (PIN) policies.


Partnership Information Network (PIN) policies were developed nationally in partnership between NHSScotland employers, trade unions / professional organisations and Scottish Government. They set a minimum standard which Boards' local employment policies must either meet or exceed. The policies and supporting documents together form the standard for workforce policies that apply to all NHSScotland employees. These will be used consistently and seamlessly across the NHS in Scotland with no local variation.

The ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce Policies Programme is refreshing the existing PIN policies. The aim of this is to deliver single, standardised policies and supporting documents which are accessible, simplified, and person-centred.

The workforce policies have been developed to be used consistently throughout the NHS in Scotland. There will be no local variation from the policies, as these apply to all of our boards.

The PIN policies will be refreshed in two phases. From 1 March 2020, phase 1 policies will be effective for all staff and managers. These policies replace the existing PIN policies and any local NHS Employer policy. 

Partnership Information Network (PIN) policies: current

The following Partnership Information Network (PIN) policies are being reviewed. Until this review is complete these PIN policies and related NHS employers' policies will continue to be applied.

Managing Health at Work covers a very large topic. It helps to deliver NHSScotland’s commitment to protect and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff. There are 10 guidelines linked to this PIN ranging from Dealing with Stress at Work to Glove Selection.

From 1 March 2020 the Promoting Attendance section will be replaced with the NHSScotland Workforce Attendance Policy and any policy developed locally by NHS employers in Scotland to manage attendance. 

NHSScotland workforce policies

From the 1 March 2020 the following workforce policies apply: 

An NHSScotland workforce policies investigation process has been developed to outline the investigation process and support decision-making for NHSScotland workforce policy cases.

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