Planning advice notes and guidance
A list of current planning advice notes (PANs) and planning guidance publications.
We produce Planning Advice Notes (PANs) which provide advice on good practice and other relevant information.
Planning guidance 2024
Planning guidance 2023
Planning advice notes (PANs)
Advice from the Chief Planner on planning issues.
- Planning Advice Note 33: Development of contaminated land
- Planning Advice Note 39: Farm and forestry buildings
- Planning Advice Note 43: golf courses and associated developments
- Planning Advice Note 47: community councils and planning: planning system review
- Planning Advice Note 50: controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings
- Planning Advice Note 50: controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings (Annex A)
- Surface mineral workings: control of dust
- Surface mineral workings: control of traffic
- Surface mineral workings: control of blasting
- Planning Advice Note 51: planning, environmental protection and regulation
- Panning Advice Note 52: Small towns
- Planning Advice Note 55: Private finance initiatives
- Planning Advice Note 59: Improving town centres
- Planning Advice Note 60: natural heritage
- Planning Advice Note 61: Sustainable urban drainage systems
- Planning Advice Note 63: energy from waste
- Planning Advice Note 64: reclamation of surface mineral workings
- Planning Advice Note 65: Planning and open space
- Planning Advice Note 66: trunk roads planning applications handling best practice guidance
- Planning Advice Note 67: housing quality
- Planning Advice Note 68: Design Statements
- Flood risk: planning advice
- Planning Advice Note 70: electronic planning service delivery
- Data protection: planning guidance
- Conservation area management: planning advice
- Planning Advice Note 72: Housing in the countryside
- Rural diversification: planning advice
- Planning Advice Note 75: Planning for transport
- Planning Advice Note 77: designing safer places
- PAN 78: Planning and Building Standards Advice Note: Inclusive Design
- Planning Advice Note 79: water and drainage
- Planning Advice Note 80: control and management of fly-posting
- Planning Advice Note 82: local authority interest developments
- Planning Advice Note 83: master planning
- Planning Advice Note 1/2010: Strategic environmental assessment of development plans
- Planning Advice Note 2/2010: Affordable housing and land audits
- Planning Advice Note 3/2010: Community engagement
- Planning Advice Note 1/2011: planning and noise
- Planning Advice Note 2/2011: Planning and archaeology
- Planning Advice Note 1/2013: Environmental Impact Assessment
- Flood risk: planning advice
- Onshore wind turbines: planning advice
- Wind farm developments on peat land: planning advice
- Hydro schemes: planning advice
- Woody biomass: planning advice
- Landfill gas: planning advice
- Anaerobic digestion: planning advice
- Deep geothermal: planning advice
- Large photovoltaic arrays: planning advice
- Energy storage: planning advice
- Microgeneration: planning advice
- Wind energy bids assessment
- Heat demands: planning advice
- Planning and waste management advice
Renewables planning advice
Please note: while much of our online advice about onshore wind turbines remain relevant and now supports Scottish Planning Policy, any passages referring to 'spatial framework', 'spatial planning' and 'areas of search' are now out of date. Advice about the process for preparing spatial frameworks for wind farms has been removed. No decision has yet been taken about when updated advice will be published.
- Onshore wind turbines: planning advice
- Wind farm developments on peat land: planning advice
- Hydro schemes: planning advice
- Woody biomass: planning advice
- Landfill gas: planning advice
- Planning Advice Note 63: energy from waste
- Anaerobic digestion: planning advice
- Deep geothermal: planning advice
- Large photovoltaic arrays: planning advice
- Energy storage: planning advice
- Microgeneration: planning advice
- Heat demands: planning advice
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