
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) and information for interviewees.


The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a large-scale social survey which asks people about their experiences and perceptions of crime in Scotland. Findings from crime surveys in Scotland have been used by policy makers across the public sector, academia and third sector to help understand the nature of crime in Scotland, target resources and monitor the impact of initiatives since the 1980s. The results of this survey provide evidence to inform progress against the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework and a range of other metrics used across the justice system.

The main aims of the SCJS are to:

  • enable people in Scotland to tell us about their experiences of, and attitudes to, a range of issues related to crime, policing and the justice system, including crime not reported to the police
  • provide a valid and reliable measure of adults' experience of crime, including services provided to victims of crime
  • examine trends over time in the number and nature of crimes in Scotland, providing a complementary measure of crime to police recorded crime statistics
  • examine the varying risk and characteristics of crime for different groups of adults in the population

The latest results are based on a sample of around 5,500 interviews that were conducted across Scotland. The sample is designed to be nationally representative of all private residential households.

Interviewee information

If you have been selected to take part in the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey you can find out more information, and answers to frequently asked questions, on our interviewee information page.


To provide any feedback on the SCJS, or to request further information, please use the following contact details:



Telephone: 0131 244 3012

SCJS Project Team
Area 2G North
Victoria Quay

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