Scottish House Condition Survey

Collection of documents relating to the Scottish House Condition Survey.


This is the largest single housing research project in Scotland, and the only national survey to look at the physical condition of Scotland's homes as well as the experiences of householders.

The survey fieldwork runs from January to December each year, with the survey now an integrated component of the Scottish Household Survey.

SHCS key findings

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics. The designation of the Scottish House Condition Survey as National Statistics was initially confirmed on 30 March 2010 following an assessment by the UK Statistics Authority and re-confirmed on the 16 October 2020 following a compliance check by the Office for Statistics Regulation. National Statistics status means that our statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value, and it is our responsibility to maintain compliance with these standards.

You find older reports in our archive.

Additional Analysis from the Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS): 

Our interactive dashboard contains additional analyis on the prevalence of damp, mould and condensation in SHCS.

Local authority analyses

The SHCS Local Authority tables either supplement our key findings report or are based on specific requests received from Local Authorities for their own use. 

Detailed information on changes from previously published tables is provided within each set of local authority tables under the contents page, so we refer users to the background notes in the individual releases for more details. These tables are available to download below:

Other Analysis

On occasion we receive requests for further analysis of the Scottish House Condition Survey data that may be of interest to our users. Where this is not previously published, we will make this available below.


For more information, to provide feedback or to request an analysis: 




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