
Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS)

This collection of documents relates to the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS). SALSUS is a survey of secondary school pupils in Scotland about smoking, drinking and drug use. It also asks about other lifestyle, health and social factors, including mental wellbeing.



SALSUS began in 2002 and is part of a long-established series of national surveys on substance use. The survey was conducted every two years, involving pupils in S2 (around age 13) and S4 (around age 15) in local authority and independent schools. Local level results (Health Board, Local Authority and Alcohol and Drug Partnership) are available for every second survey. The 2018 survey was the last SALSUS in its existing format.

2015 reports

2002 to 2013

You can find older publications on the Public Health Scotland website (previously ISD Scotland).

SALSUS datasets

The SALSUS datasets (2002 to 2018) are available from the UK Data Archive.


For further information and queries, please contact us at:

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