- ADT Highlands and Islands Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- ADT Stakeholder Forum (inactive)Inactive
- Abortion Law Review Expert Group
- Abortion Safe Access Zones: Ministerial Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Access Delivery Group
- Accessible Vehicle and Equipment Scheme quarterly meeting group
- Active Scotland Development Group
- Additional Support for Learning Network
- Additional Support for Learning Project Board
- Adult Disability Payment: Independent Review
- Adult Social Care: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Adult Support and Protection National Strategic Forum
- Adult social care reform: leadership alliance (inactive)Inactive
- Adult social care reform: people-led policy panel
- Adults with Incapacity Emergency Legislation Commencement Consideration Group (inactive)Inactive
- Advisory Council for Economic Transformation (inactive)Inactive
- Advisory Group on Economic Recovery (inactive)Inactive
- Age of Criminal Responsibility Advisory Group
- Age of Criminal Responsibility Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Agricultural policy implementation – EU Hub (inactive)Inactive
- Agricultural weather advisory panel (inactive)Inactive
- Agriculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board
- Agriculture and Climate Change Strategic Group (inactive)Inactive
- Agriculture and Rural Development Stakeholder Group
- Agriculture champions (inactive)Inactive
- Alcohol advertising and promotion consultation: stakeholder engagement summaries
- Allied Health Professions Education and Workforce Policy Review: National Strategic Oversight Group (inactive)Inactive
- Anti-Racism in Education Programme
- Anti-bullying: Respect for All Working Group
- Antisocial behaviour: independent working group
- Aquaculture: Consenting Task Group
- Armed Forces Personnel and Veterans Health Joint Group
- Autism Strategy Review Group (inactive)Inactive
- Autism in Schools Short-Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Aviation Lighting Guidance Working Group
- Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP)
- Best Start: workforce and education (inactive)Inactive
- Bracken: Scottish Working Group
- Building Safety Levy Expert Advisory Group
- Building Standards Futures Board
- Building and Fire Safety: Ministerial Working Group
- Burial Regulations Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Business: New Deal for Business Group
- COVID-19 Education Recovery Group (inactive)Inactive
- COVID-19 Nosocomial Review Group (inactive)Inactive
- Care and wellbeing: Place and Wellbeing Programme
- Care and wellbeing: Preventative and Proactive Care Programme
- Care and wellbeing: portfolio board
- Carer Benefits Advisory Group
- Carers Act Implementation Steering Group (inactive)Inactive
- Challenging Men's Demand for Prostitution Short Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Chief Medical Officer’s Rape and Sexual Assault Taskforce (inactive)Inactive
- Child Trafficking Strategy Group
- Child and family mental health: Joint Strategic Board
- Childcare Sector Working Group
- Children (Equal Protection From Assault) (Scotland) Act 2019 implementation group
- Children and Families National Leadership Group
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board (inactive)Inactive
- Children's Hearings Advocacy Expert Reference Group
- Children's Hearings: Training and Continuing Professional Development Sub-Group
- Children’s Hearings Redesign Board
- Children’s Services Research: independent steering group (inactive)Inactive
- Cladding Remediation Programme Board
- Cladding Stakeholder Group
- Cloud First (inactive)Inactive
- Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Colleges: Tripartite Alignment Group
- Commercial sexual exploitation multi-agency group
- Commission for the Land-Based Learning Review (inactive)Inactive
- Community Justice Programme Board
- Community Wealth Building Bill Steering Group
- Community learning and development (CLD): independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Complaints, Investigations and Misconduct in Policing: Ministerial Group
- Compulsory Purchase Reform Practitioner Advisory Group
- Consumer Network for Scotland (inactive)Inactive
- Consumer Scotland
- Consumer Scotland Data Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Contaminated Land Advisory Group
- Continuity of Carer and Local Delivery of Care (inactive)Inactive
- Convention of the Highlands and Islands
- Convention of the South of Scotland
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Adaptations Expert Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advanced Learning Recovery Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advisory Sub-Group on Universities and Colleges (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Children and Families Collective Leadership Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Covid Recovery Strategy Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Cross Party Covid Recovery Steering Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Housing System Policy Circle (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Joint Housing Resilience Chairs Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Learning and Evaluation Oversight Group
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Local Government Resilience Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Mental Health Research Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): National Cancer Recovery Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Private Rented Sector Resilience Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Social Housing Resilience Group (inactive)Inactive
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Stakeholder Recovery Roundtable (inactive)Inactive
- Council of Economic Advisers (inactive)Inactive
- Creative Industries Leadership Group
- Criminal Justice Programme Board
- Cross Justice Working Group on Race Data and Evidence
- Culture Fair Work Taskforce
- Curriculum and Assessment Board
- Dangerous Dogs Act: short life working group
- Data Delivery Group (inactive)Inactive
- Deaths in Prison Custody Action Group
- Deer Management Strategic Board
- Deer Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Democracy Matters: Steering Group
- Deposit Return Scheme Implementation Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Developing National Anti-Racism Infrastructure: Interim Governance Group (inactive)Inactive
- Developing the Young Workforce National Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Developing the Young Workforce Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Devolved Taxes Legislation Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Digital Assets in Scots Private Law: Expert Reference Group
- Digital Capability Advisory Group
- Digital Champions
- Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Digital Identity Expert Group
- Digital Identity Programme Board
- Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Disabled young people: National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy Strategic Working Group
- Domestic abuse: justice partners group
- Drugs and alcohol workforce: expert delivery group
- Drugs deaths: National Drugs Mission Clinical Advisory Group
- Early Learning and Childcare Joint Delivery Board (inactive)Inactive
- Early learning and childcare: Deferral Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Early learning and childcare: Sustainable Rates Review Implementation Working Group
- Eating disorders: national network
- Education Leaders' Forum (inactive)Inactive
- Education reform programme
- Education: School Uniform Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Education: Student Support Stakeholder Engagement Group (inactive)Inactive
- Electricians Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Eljamel: independent clinical review
- Employment and Mental Health Short Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Ending Conversion Practices Expert Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Energy Consumers Commission (inactive)Inactive
- Energy Efficient Scotland: short-life working group on assessment (inactive)Inactive
- Energy Standards Review – Scottish Passivhaus Equivalent: Working Group
- Energy consumers: ministerial meetings
- Energy: Non-Domestic Energy Consumers Short-Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Energy: Rural Energy Consumers Short-Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Energy: Vulnerable Energy Consumers Short-Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board (inactive)Inactive
- Environmental charging and other measures: expert panel (inactive)Inactive
- Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) project board
- Equality and Human Rights Budget Advisory Group
- Equally Safe Joint Strategic Board
- Equally Safe in Colleges and Universities Core Leadership Group
- European Friends of Scotland
- European Structural and Investment Funds: Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC)
- Fair Work Oversight Group
- Family Support Advisory Group
- Farmed fish health: Scotland’s Farmed Fish Health Framework
- Farming opportunities for new entrants (FONE)
- Ferguson Marine Hull 801 Acceptance Group
- Ferguson Marine Programme Review Board (inactive)Inactive
- Financial Services Growth and Development Board
- First Minister’s Environmental Council
- Fisheries Management and Conservation Group (FMAC)
- Fishery Management Plan Template Technical Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Five Family Payments Reference Group
- Forced Marriage Network (inactive)Inactive
- Forensic Governance Advisory Group
- Forensic Mental Health Services – Planning and Collaboration Short Life Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Forensic mental health services: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Funeral Director Licensing Working Group
- Funeral Poverty and Funeral Support Payment Reference Group
- Future Agricultural Funding: Policy Delivery Group (2021-2024) (inactive)Inactive
- Future Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland: Design Advisory Group
- Future of Instrumental Music Tuition in Schools Working Group
- GP Dispensing Group
- Gender Based Violence in Schools Working Group
- Gender Equality Taskforce in Education and Learning
- General Medical Services (GMS) Oversight Group
- Government Legal Service for Scotland
- Grangemouth Future Industry Board
- Gypsy/Travellers (Ministerial Working Group on) (inactive)Inactive
- Gypsy/Travellers Action Plan: Ministerial Oversight Group
- Headteacher Recruitment and Retention Working Group
- Health and Justice Collaboration Improvement Board (inactive)Inactive
- Health and Social Care Data Board
- Health: National Future Care Planning Working Group
- Health: Supporting Women, Reducing Harm Short Life Working Group
- Healthcare reform: Stakeholder Advisory Group
- Heat Networks Regulations Advisory Group
- Heat in Buildings: Green Heat Finance Taskforce
- Heat in buildings: Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing Review Group
- Heat in buildings: Local Government Oversight Group
- Hill, Upland and Crofting Group (inactive)Inactive
- Historic environment: Scotland's Historic Environment Forum
- Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group
- Homelessness Statistics Users Group
- Homelessness: Ministerial Oversight Group
- Homelessness: Temporary Accommodation Standards Framework Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Housing Affordability Working Group
- Housing Investment Taskforce
- Housing and Social Security Stakeholder Group (inactive)Inactive
- Housing to 2040: Strategic Board
- Human Rights Bill Governance and Engagement Advisory Board
- Human Rights Bill Governance and Engagement Executive Board
- Human Rights Bill Lived Experience Boards
- Human Rights Bill: Implementation Working Group
- Human Trafficking - Addressing the Causes Action Area Group
- Human Trafficking - Identifying Perpetrators Action Area Group
- Human Trafficking - Identifying and Supporting Victims Action Area Group
- Human Trafficking Strategic Oversight Group
- Human Trafficking Strategy Implementation Group
- Hydro Nation Forum
- Ill Health and Disability Benefits Stakeholder Reference Group
- Income tax: Scottish Income Tax Board
- Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside's Mental Health Services (inactive)Inactive
- Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment (inactive)Inactive
- Independent Review of the Victim Notification Scheme (inactive)Inactive
- Independent advisory group on emerging technologies in policing (inactive)Inactive
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Industry Advisory Group for rUK Talent Attraction
- Infected Blood Oversight and Assurance Group
- Infrastructure Investment Board
- Input-Output Expert User Group
- Inshore Fisheries Management and Conservation group (IFMAC) (inactive)Inactive
- International Council of Education Advisers (ICEA)
- International Education Strategy Governance Group
- International development: Global South Panel
- International: Scottish Connections Advisory Panel
- Islands Strategic Group
- Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group (inactive)Inactive
- Joint Innovation Communications and Marketing Group (inactive)Inactive
- Junior Doctors’ 48-hour Expert Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Just Transition Commission
- Kinship Care: Collaborative
- LGBT Inclusive Education Implementation Group
- Lady Dorrian Review Governance Group
- Languages Strategic Implementation Group (inactive)Inactive
- Legal Aid Payment Advisory Panel (inactive)Inactive
- Local Electricity Network Coordination Group
- Local authority social work services (LASWS) children and families group
- Local authority social work statistics (LASWS) justice group
- Local government finance sources and council tax reform: joint working group
- Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Lybster CO2 storage: short life working group
- Marine Litter Strategy Steering Group
- Marine and Seafood Stakeholder Group (inactive)Inactive
- Maternity and neonatal review: Best Start Implementation Programme Board
- Medical Devices Committee
- Mental Health Network Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Mental Health Quality and Safety Board (inactive)Inactive
- Mental Health in Schools Working Group
- Mental health and wellbeing strategy: Leadership Board
- Mental health nursing: review
- Migration and Population Expert Advisory Group
- Minimum Income Guarantee Steering Group
- Misogyny and Criminal Justice in Scotland Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Missing people working group
- Mobile messaging apps use: review
- Mobilisation Recovery Group (inactive)Inactive
- Mortgage Lending and Cladding: Ministerial Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- NHS Chairs
- NHS Chief Executives
- NHS Forth Valley Assurance Board
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board (inactive)Inactive
- NHS Scotland Global Citizenship Advisory Board
- National Advisory Committee for Chronic Pain (inactive)Inactive
- National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions
- National Advisory Committee for Stroke
- National Asset Transfer Action Group
- National Audiology Review Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Bairns’ Hoose Governance Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Care Service: Expert Legislative Advisory Group
- National Child Protection Leadership Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Child Sexual Exploitation Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Committee on Burial and Cremation (inactive)Inactive
- National Cyber Resilience Advisory Board
- National Drugs Mission Implementation Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Drugs Mission Oversight Group
- National Economic Forum (inactive)Inactive
- National Gender Identity Healthcare Reference Group
- National Goose Forum
- National Heart Disease Task Force
- National Implementation Group for Terminal Illness
- National Islands Plan Delivery Group
- National Marine Plan 2 Steering Group
- National Mission on Drugs: National Collaborative
- National Participatory Budgeting Strategic Group
- National Partnership for Culture (inactive)Inactive
- National Review of Eating Disorder Services Implementation Group (inactive)Inactive
- National Strategic Commissioning Group (additional support needs)
- National Strategy for Economic Transformation Delivery Board
- National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (inactive)Inactive
- Net zero: Investor Panel (inactive)Inactive
- New School Butterstone closure: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Non-Binary Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Nursing and midwifery: taskforce
- Oil and Gas and Energy Transition Strategic Leadership Group
- Older People’s Strategic Action Forum
- Onshore Wind Strategic Leadership Group
- Open Government Partnership Reporting Mechanism Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Open Government Partnership Steering Group
- Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) reference group
- PPE Supply Implementation Project Board (inactive)Inactive
- Pain Management Task Force
- Palliative and end of life care: Strategy Steering Group
- Partnership for Action on Drugs in Scotland Executive Group (inactive)Inactive
- Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill: Advisory Group
- Peatland Expert Advisory Group
- Pelvic Floor Registry Implementation Group
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Personal and Social Education Delivery and Implementation Group
- Pesticides Stakeholder Group
- Physical Intervention Working Group
- Physical activity and sport: National Leadership Group
- Planning and Environmental Appeals Stakeholder Forum
- Planning performance: high level group
- Planning, Infrastructure and Place Advisory Group
- Planning: Biodiversity Technical Advice Group
- Planning: Key Agencies Group
- Planning: Proportionality of Assessments Short Life Working Group
- Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS)
- Police complaints handling, investigations and misconduct issues: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Policing during miners' strike: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Population Taskforce (ministerial)
- Practitioner and Stakeholder Advisory Group (PSAG) (inactive)Inactive
- Primary Care National Out of Hours Oversight Group (inactive)Inactive
- Primary and Community Health Steering Group
- Public Interest Journalism Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Pupil Support Staff Working Group
- Race Equality Action Plan: programme board (inactive)Inactive
- Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans sub-group
- Recording and Monitoring Incidents of Bullying in Schools (RAMBIS) (inactive)Inactive
- Refugee integration: New Scots Core Group
- Regional Economic Policy Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Regulation of Heat in Existing Non-Domestic Buildings Working Group
- Regulatory Review Group
- Rehabilitation: National Advisory Board (inactive)Inactive
- Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC): Cross Sector Working Group
- Remote and Rural General Practice Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Rent Control and Private Rented Sector Reform Measures Stakeholder Group
- Residential Rehabilitation Working Group
- Residential childcare: cross-border regulations development - stakeholder engagement
- Restorative Justice Stakeholder Group
- Retail Industry Leadership Group
- Revalidation Delivery Board Scotland (RDBS)
- Rural Delivery Plan: Ministerial Working Group
- Rural Economy Action Group (inactive)Inactive
- Rural Funding - Simplification Taskforce (inactive)Inactive
- SRDP 2014 - 2020 Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Group (inactive)Inactive
- SRDP 2014 - 2020 Rural Development Operational Committee
- STEM Bursary Advisory Group
- Salmon Interactions Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Scams Prevention Strategy Partnership and Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- ScotStat Board for Official Statistics
- Scotland CAN DO: Business Innovation Forum (inactive)Inactive
- Scotland's Data and Intelligence Network (inactive)Inactive
- Scotland's National Domestic Homicide and Suicide Review Model
- Scotstat crime and justice committee (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS)
- Scottish Advisory Panel on Offending Reduction (SAPOR)
- Scottish Aggregates Tax Bill Advisory Group
- Scottish Agricultural Wages Board
- Scottish Animal Welfare Commission
- Scottish Aquaculture Council
- Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group
- Scottish Business Growth Group
- Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry
- Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board
- Scottish Crime Recording Board
- Scottish Donation and Transplant Group
- Scottish Economic Statistics Consultation Group (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Education Council
- Scottish Energy Advisory Board
- Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group
- Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel
- Scottish Fuel Poverty Partnership Forum (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Government COVID-19 Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Health and Industry Partnership Group (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Hydrogen Industry Forum
- Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme: Implementation and Operation Group
- Scottish Ministerial Working Group on Tobacco Control (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish National Investment Bank Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Scottish National Investment Bank: Ministerial Advisory Group
- Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator
- Scottish Scams Strategic Partnership (inactive)Inactive
- Secure Care Group
- Serious Organised Crime Taskforce
- Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Oversight Committee
- Short Life Mental Health Legislation Commencement Consideration Group (inactive)Inactive
- Short-Term Lets Stakeholder Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Single Scottish Estate: Delivery Board
- Single Scottish Estate: Property Leaders Forum
- Single-Use Disposable Cups Charge Advisory Group
- Skills delivery landscape: independent review (inactive)Inactive
- Skills: Shared Outcomes Assurance Group
- Small Business Bonus Scheme Evaluation Short-Term Working Group (inactive)Inactive
- Small Producers Pilot Fund Steering Group
- Social Covenant Steering Group
- Social Enterprise Action Plan Steering Group
- Social Security Communications and Engagement Partnership Group (inactive)Inactive
- Social Work Services Strategic Forum (inactive)Inactive
- Social care: Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation
- Standing Committee on Pandemic Preparedness
- Standing Council on Europe (inactive)Inactive
- Steel Sector Round Table (inactive)Inactive
- Strategic Board for Teacher Education
- Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Working Group
- Sub-Scotland Economic Statistics Group (inactive)Inactive
- Suckler Beef Climate Group Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Suicide prevention: national advisory group
- Supported Accommodation Steering Group (inactive)Inactive
- Tackling Child Poverty Programme Board
- Tackling Prejudice and Building Connected Communities Action Group (inactive)Inactive
- Tax Advisory Group
- Teacher Panel (inactive)Inactive
- Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group
- Teratogenic Medicines Advisory Group
- The Hate Crime Strategic Partnership Group
- Tourism and Hospitality Industry Leadership Group
- Trade Board (ministerial)
- Transformation Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Transvaginal mesh: accountable officers group (inactive)Inactive
- Transvaginal mesh: short-life working group
- Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Expert Advisory Group
- Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Partnership Delivery Group
- Tretton Review Group (inactive)Inactive
- Ukraine Resettlement: Stakeholder Reference Group
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Implementation: Embedding in Public Services Group
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Strategic Implementation Board
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): Child Rights Regulation and Improvement Action Group
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): Embedding Children’s Rights in Public Services Guidance Sub-Group (inactive)Inactive
- Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit
- Unscheduled Care Advisory Group (inactive)Inactive
- Unscheduled Care Programme Board (inactive)Inactive
- Veterans Mental Health Advisory Group
- Veterans: Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Implementation Board (inactive)Inactive
- Victims Taskforce
- Violence Against Women and Girls: Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning of Services (inactive)Inactive
- Water industry: Delivery Assurance Group (inactive)Inactive
- Water industry: Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group (inactive)Inactive
- Water industry: Scottish Government Investment Group
- Welfare: Joint Ministerial Working Group
- Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group
- Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo)
- Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan Delivery Group
- Women and Girls in Sport Advisory Board (inactive)Inactive
- Women’s Health Group (inactive)Inactive
- Women’s Health Plan Implementation Programme Board
- Women’s Justice Leadership Panel