Abortion Law Review Expert Group


This group was established in 2024 to review the current law on abortion and provide Scottish ministers with recommendations on whether or not aspects of the existing law should be changed. If so, they will advise on potential legislative changes and any other changes needed to support that.


  • Professor Anna Glasier, Women’s Health Champion and Chair
  • Dr Alastair Campbell, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Professor Marion Bain, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Representing the Chief Medical Officer
  • Sinead Cook, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
  • Sharon Cameron, Scottish Abortion Care Providers
  • Sarah Wallage, Scottish Abortion Care Providers
  • Professor Sally Sheldon, University of Bristol
  • Dr Lynsey Mitchell, University of Strathclyde
  • Dr Carrie Purcell, The Open University
  • Andrew Lothian, Law Society of Scotland, Health and Medical Law Sub-Committee
  • Professor Anne-Maree Farrell, The University of Edinburgh
  • Rachael Clarke, British Pregnancy Advisory Service
  • Jill Wood, representing the Advisory Group of women’s, equalities and reproductive rights groups


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