
Adult social care reform: people-led policy panel


The People-led Policy Panel is a diverse group of people who all have lived experience of adult social care support. This includes unpaid carers. The members have experience of different kinds of social care support for different purposes and are from a spread of areas across Scotland.

The group has 50 members. There is a core group of 19 people who meet on a more regular basis. 

The panel’s role is to work with national government, COSLA and other organisations and individuals in the early development and testing of policies. 

It is one of the ways of making sure that the views, experiences and expertise of people who use social care support are at the heart of decisions that are made. 

The panel will also work with other existing citizen-led groups to get more detailed insights on specific perspectives or issues.

The panel is one of two key leaderships groups for the national programme for reform of adult social care support. The other is the Leadership Alliance. The Leadership Alliance is a group of people from organisations that are involved in providing, regulating and working within social care support in Scotland. It includes Scottish Government and COSLA.

The panel has been working with the Leadership Alliance and others to co-produce priorities, workstreams and activities for the national programme. It has done this by looking at views and evidence from lots of different people about what social care support is like now, what it should be like in the future, and what needs to change to achieve that.

The panel will also be involved in taking forward the activities in the reform programme. It will make sure that in all of the work that is done there are ways for people who use social care support to be involved and that their voices are heard.

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