Agriculture and Rural Development Stakeholder Group


The purpose of the group is to:

  • gather and disseminate information on agriculture and rural development issues from government and representative organisations
  • facilitate on-going information sharing and discussion between government and stakeholders
  • provide a forum for engagement and consultation with rural partners


Membership will be kept under review to ensure it is appropriate to the task.

  • Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
  • Agriculture Industries Consortium
  • Central Association of Agricultural Valuers
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Deer Farmers
  • Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
  • Highlands and Islands Agricultural Support Group
  • Highland and Islands Enterprise
  • Historic Environment Scotland
  • Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland
  • James Hutton Institute
  • Linking Environment + Farming (LEAF)
  • National Farmers Union Scotland
  • National Sheep Association
  • NatureScot
  • Nourish Scotland
  • Quality Meat Scotland
  • Royal Society Protection of Birds
  • Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society
  • Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers
  • Scottish Association Of Young Farmers
  • Scottish Beef Association
  • Scottish Crofters Federation
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Scottish Forestry
  • Scottish Land and Estates
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • Scottish Government
  • Scottish Organic Producers Association
  • Scottish Quality Crops
  • Scottish Tennant Farmers Association
  • SE Link
  • Soil Association
  • South of Scotland Enterprise
  • SRUC

Proposed meeting protocol

The group will meet a minimum of twice a year.

It will be Chaired by a Scottish Government official.

Discussions will take place under Chatham House rules.

A meeting note will be published on the Scottish Government website.

Membership is voluntary and members will not receive any remuneration.


Agriculture and Rural Development Stakeholder Group: terms of reference



ARD Stakeholder Group
c/o Scottish Government
Saughton House

Telephone: 0300 244 4000 (Central Enquiry Unit)

An archive of minutes prior to April 2018 is available on the archive.

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