Cladding Stakeholder Group


The Cladding Stakeholder Group (CSG) was established after the Ministerial Working Group report on Mortgage Lending and Cladding was published on 19 March 2021. The Cladding Stakeholder Group (CSG) provides a forum for discussion, partnership working, and continuous improvement based on a ‘lessons-learned’ approach and draws on lived experience.  Our stakeholders are members of organisations, or individuals with an interest in the success of our cladding remediation programme and building safety

Related groups


  • Association of British Insurers
  • Building Societies Association
  • The Chartered Institute of Building
  • High Rise Scotland Action Group
  • Homes for Scotland
  • Institution of Fire Engineers
  • Law Society of Scotland
  • Local Authority Building Standards Scotland
  • Property Managers Association
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • Scottish Government officials
  • UK Finance
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