Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group


This group is no longer active.


We want all children and young people with additional support needs to get the support they need to reach their full learning potential. 

Education authorities have duties under the Education (Additional Support for Learning) Act 2004 (as amended) to identify, provide for and review the additional support needs of their pupils. They use a range of planning mechanisms to support the needs of children and young people in school, including individualised support plans, child’s plans and co-ordinated support plans (CSPs).

A child or young person may require a CSP where they have additional support needs arising from complex or multiple factors which are likely to continue for more than a year. These needs then require significant support from an education authority and at least one other agency (such as social work or health). 

Parents and carers can access information and advice on the different types of planning mechanisms from Enquire, the national advice and information service for additional support for learning.

Our purpose

As set out in the Additional support for learning action plan, a short-life working group was established to consider implementation of CSPs. This group identified key issues and barriers to effective implementation of legislation related to CSPs and worked collaboratively to identify proposals to address and overcome them; making recommendations for change to the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group (ASLIG) where appropriate.


  • Scottish Government, Supporting Learners’ Team
  • Scottish Government, GIRFEC Team
  • Scottish Government, Health and Allied Health Professionals
  • ADES
  • ASLO
  • Education Scotland
  • Health and Education Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal for Scotland
  • My Rights, My Say
  • National Parent Forum Scotland
  • EIS
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Social Work Scotland
  • Looked After Children rep
  • National Autism Implementation Team (NAIT)


Co-ordinated Support Plans Short-Life Working Group: terms of reference



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