Contaminated Land Advisory Group


The Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG) was set up in February 2015 to provide a forum for dialogue and discussion between Scottish Ministers and representatives from the contaminated land community.

CLAG provides advice and information on land contamination matters and issues as they relate to Scotland. The group has no defined timescale, but has meetings as required for undertaking tasks it has been assigned.

You can read minutes from 2016 in the archive.


Each organisation nominates and agrees their representative on the group. Currently this group comprises representatives from the following:

  • Scottish Government
  • SEPA
  • Scottish Pollution Control Co-ordinating Committee/Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (SPCCC/REHIS)
  • Society of Chief Officers of Environmental Health (SoCOEH)
  • Environmental Industries Commission (EIC)
  • Scottish Contaminated Land Forum (SCLF)
  • Public Health Scotland (PHS)
  • Environmental Protection Scotland (EP-Scotland)
  • Law Society of Scotland (LSS)

Four Local Pollution Liaison (Contaminated Land) Sub-Groups (LPLSG):

  • North
  • Central and East
  • Central and West
  • South and East

Corresponding members:

  • Food Standards Scotland
  • Homes for Scotland


Contaminated Land Advisory Group: terms of reference


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