Convention of the South of Scotland
In the 2019 Programme for Government, the Scottish Government announced the establishment of the Convention of the South of Scotland in order to ‘bring together public bodies with responsibility for growth and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on priorities and how to tackle key regional issues’.
The remit of the Convention of the South of Scotland will be to:
- strengthen alignment between the Scottish Government, Dumfries and Galloway Council, the Scottish Borders Council and public agencies delivering in the South of Scotland to drive inclusive growth and to agree action to address the priorities of the area
- ensure effective partnership working and delivery across the public sector
- consider current and future challenges impacting on inclusive and sustainable economic growth; and agree actions to deliver that growth
- address any blockages and oversee progress
CoSS meets twice a year, and the meeting locations alternates between Dumfries and Galloway Council and Scottish Borders Council. Meetings are open to the public.
Convention members are appointed by the Deputy First Minister. The core membership includes the following organisations, with additional members attending specific meetings as agenda items dictate:
- Scottish Government
- Dumfries and Galloway Council
- Dumfries and Galloway College
- Forestry and Land Scotland
- NatureScot
- NHS Borders
- NHS Dumfries and Galloway
- Scottish Borders Council
- Scottish Borders College
- South of Scotland Enterprise
- Scottish Enterprise
- Scottish Funding Council
- Skills Development Scotland
- Scottish Forestry
- Transport Scotland
- University Representatives from Borders
- University Representatives from Dumfries and Galloway
- VisitScotland
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