Criminal Justice Programme Board


The group was established in March 2023 to ensure that transformational change programme (TCP) 1 and 3 and their constituent projects are making cross-sector connections, driving the delivery to meet the outcomes of the programme. This includes responding to and preventing issues, managing and reducing risks as well as maximising opportunities.

The board has a number of levers available to ensure the successful delivery of TCP 1 and TCP 3. These include: 

  • recommending where remedial action is required by the board members to ensure delivery is on track to meet the wider Vision for Justice
  • escalating any major delivery concerns where decisions are required on accelerating or stopping activity – including but not limited to the Criminal Justice Board and the Justice Board 
  • advising on whether the actions across the work of TCP 1 and TCP 3 remain necessary for reforming the sector in light of changing conditions 
  • through the use of soft power to ensure a cross-sector collaborative approach in delivering the wider Vision for Justice

The programme board will meet approximately every eight weeks and/or at intervals it determines appropriate, with meeting dates agreed at least a month in advance. Meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams or in accessible locations. The board will report into the Criminal Justice Board (or their deputies as required) via the senior responsible owners (SROs) - including presenting a quarterly programme level performance and outcomes report.


  • Cat Dalrymple (Chair), Scottish Government
  • Anna Donald, Scottish Government
  • Denise Swanson, Scottish Government
  • Ruth McCallum, Scottish Government
  • Pat Campbell, Police Scotland
  • Jennifer Harrower, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS)
  • Marie-Louise Fox, Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB)
  • Karyn McCluskey, Community Justice Scotland (CJS)
  • Gemma Fraser, CJS
  • David Fraser, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS)
  • Dene Burke, SCTS
  • Rob Strachan, Scottish Prison Service (SPS)


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