Education: Student Support Stakeholder Engagement Group


This group is no longer active.


The current iteration of this group was formed in November 2022 to support the delivery of the 2021-2022 student support Programme for Government commitments. The group concluded its work in July 2023. However, there is scope for this group to be reinstated in future.

The Student Support Stakeholder Engagement Group was first established in 2021 following the conclusion of the COVID-19: Further/Higher Education Student Hardship Task Force. The initial aim of the group was to continue discussion on student support in line with the First 100 Days and manifesto commitments. 

The purpose of the group was reviewed in 2022 following the completion of these commitments. The current aims of the group are: 

  • to share updates on relevant Programme for Government commitments with representatives from the Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) sector
  • to gather and provide feedback to inform policy development in relation to student financial support policy
  • to inform the development of research and engagement with students on areas of student financial support


  • Sarah Moore, Chair/Head of Student Financial Support, Scottish Government
  • Kirsty McTaggart, Deputy Programme Lead/Student Financial Support Team, Scottish Government
  • Russell Renton, Student Financial Support Team Leader, Scottish Government
  • Debbie Browett, Student Equalities and Wellbeing Team Leader, Scottish Government
  • Nicola Nisbet, SAAS Head of Strategic Policy, Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) 
  • Audrey Clark, SAAS Head of Operational Delivery, Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
  • Ciorstaidh Maclean, Policy Lead (Secretariat Support), Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
  • Scarlett Campbell, FE Student Support Funding, Scottish Funding Council 
  • Eilidh Fulton, Senior Policy Officer, Scottish Funding Council
  • Claire Vekic, Policy Officer, Colleges Scotland 
  • Claire Bannister, Policy/Learning and Teaching, Universities Scotland
  • Mark Wild, Policy/Learning and Teaching, Universities Scotland
  • Kirsty Conlon, Policy/Learning and Teaching, Universities Scotland
  • Olaf Stando, Campaigns and Influencing Manager, National Union of Students Scotland (NUS)
  • Pamela Lockhart, Scottish policy representative, National Association of Student Money Advisers (NASMA)
  • Louise Park, FESSAG representative, Further Education Student Support Advisory Group (FESSAG) 
  • Angela Toal, Welfare Rights Adviser, Child Poverty Action Group Scotland (CPAG) 
  • Caryn Smith, CDN representative, College Development Network (CDN)



Higher Education and Further Education Student Financial Support Policy Mailbox - 

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