
Energy Efficient Scotland: short-life working group on assessment


This group is no longer active.


The aim of this short-life working group (SLWG) is to consider overall assessment needs for Energy Efficient Scotland programme. 

See the route map for Energy Efficient Scotland.

The remit of the group is to: 

  • consider what other assessment measures are needed to support the programme, this would include the consideration of online tools if appropriate. The group will also consider how wider issues such as condition and air quality impact or interact with the assessment processes 
  • consider the skills an Energy Efficient Scotland assessor should have to deliver any additional processes or services, including training for assessors and the development of a robust complaints procedure
  • to consider the work of the group in the context of lessons learned from previous energy efficiency schemes and the work currently going on elsewhere, ensuring proposals take account of past initiatives and work ongoing elsewhere
  • to ensure that where issues are identified that are out with the remit of this group that they are passed on to the relevant person or group to consider as part of the wider work on Energy Efficient Scotland 
  • consider how the agreed principles of technically feasible and cost effectiveness are delivered in the real world including discussion around applicability of suitability of a cost cap
  • consider a proportionate and streamlined way to ascertain and improve energy performance, building on Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) processes and through evaluating existing consumer-accessible digital tools
  • scoping out costs for the assessment and infrastructure to support this
  • consideration of consultation responses to non-domestic assessment proposals

What is outwith the remit: 

  • EPCs and the work coming out of the EPC research: the SLWG will support this work by providing initial advice on potential priority actions and we will provide updates to the group where appropriate given the connections there are likely to be between the work on improving EPCs and developing additional assessment processes and procedures
  • the review of the non-domestic assessment process (although some areas will cut across domestic and non-domestic)


Organisations that have representatives in the group include:

  • BRE Group
  • Built Environment Forum Scotland
  • Changeworks
  • Citizens Advice Scotland
  • Elmhurst Energy
  • Energy Saving Trust
  • Heriot Watt University
  • Historic Environment Scotland
  • Institution of Civil Engineers
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Scottish Government
  • Zero Waste Scotland
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