Environmental charging and other measures: expert panel


This group is no longer active.


We set up the Expert Panel in May 2018 to provide advice to Scottish Ministers on charges or other measures which may be adopted in Scotland, within devolved competence, with the goal of encouraging the long-term and sustainable changes in consumer and producer behaviour required to move towards a circular economy.

The group will have an initial working life of two years, over which time it will deliver a rolling programme of advise on a set of priority items, starting with disposable cups and plastic straws.

In July 2019 we published our first report, recommendations to tackle the dependence on, and environmental impact of, single-use disposable beverage cups in Scotland.

The Scottish Government responded in October 2019. 


  • Chair: Dame Sue Bruce, Electoral Commissioner
  • Vice-Chair: Professor Dame Theresa Marteau, behavioural expert
  • Professor Liam Delaney, economist
  • Professor Margaret Bates, waste industry
  • Professor Aileen McHarg, legal expertise
  • Professor Kate Sang, Disability and Equality expert
  • Gemma Stenhouse, Youth Leadership and 2050 Climate Group representative
  • Dr Ian Archer, biotech and chemical industry
  • Mike Barry, Former Director of Sustainable Business at Marks and Spencer
  • Roger Kilburn, biotech and chemical industry (resigned)
  • Adviser: Terry A'Hearn, Chief Executive at SEPA
  • Adviser: Iain Gulland, Chief Executive at Zero Waste Scotland


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