
Farming opportunities for new entrants (FONE)


This group was set up to develop a farming opportunities for new entrants programme. The group was established in 2016.

Priorities for 2024 to 2025

The priorities of FONE are divided into two subsections.  Priorities are agreed and updated on an annual basis.

Priorities represented by Permanent FONE Group Members:

  1. Identify and make available 600 hectares of publicly owned land in Scotland to New Entrants.
  2. Continue beyond the public sector and engage with private estates and owner occupiers in Scotland to explore further New Entrant opportunities.
  3. Provide complementary governance of New Entrant support provided by the Scottish Government.  This includes the: Scottish Land Matching Service, Next Generation Practical Training Fund, Machinery Ring Pre-apprenticeship Programme and emerging New Entrants Support.

Priorities represented by Council FONE Group Members:

  1. Advocate the importance and prominence of New Entrants’ in the sector.  Ensuring New Entrants’ and the Next Generations’ interests are represented in future governmental and non-governmental policy.
  2. To provide a council to share progress, challenges, and opportunities across a range of government and non-governmental support for agricultural New Entrants in Scotland.
  3. Working with stakeholders to develop a consistent narrative of what is possible in terms of making best use of Crofts and attracting New Entrants.
  4. Highlight promotional material to include: guidance, support, case studies, and signposting for New Entrants and the Next Generation.
  5. Maintain Cabinet Secretary and Ministerial engagement with the FONE group.


Membership of the FONE Group based on position in their respective organisation, expertise and knowledge required to take this work forward.

Chairperson - to be confirmed         

Permanent FONE Group Membership - to be confirmed         

Council FONE Group Membership - to be confirmed






Tel: From the UK: 0300 244 4000 (0300 numbers are geographically neutral)

Farming opportunities for new entrants (FONE) group
c/o Scottish Government
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate

Saughton House

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