
Fishery Management Plan Template Technical Working Group


This group is no longer active.


To develop a fishery management plan template which will facilitate a consistent approach to be taken by local FMOs, inform development/review of the National Wild Fisheries Strategy and allow Scottish Ministers to identify, quantify and prioritise action to mitigate effects on damage to wild fish and fisheries in Scotland.


Alistair Duguid, SEPA

Colin Bean, SNH

Gemma Jennings, Clyde Foundation

Simon Dryden, Marine Scotland

Aleksander Jasinski, Marine Scotland

Iain Malcolm (Chair), Marine Scotland

Paul Devlin, Glasgow Angling Centre

Tommy McDermott, Trex Ecology

Simon McKelvey, Cromarty Firth Fishery Board

Ronald Campbell, Tweed Foundation

Alan Wells, Fisheries Management Scotland

Karen Millidine, Marine Scotland


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