Industry Advisory Group for rUK Talent Attraction


Scottish Ministers have established an Industry Advisory Group for rest of UK Talent Attraction to collaboratively drive forward the rest of UK (rUK) Talent Attraction programme.

The purpose of the group is to:

  • recommend and endorse approaches to rUK talent attraction that have the capacity for transformational change, consistent with the objectives of the Talent Attraction and Migration Service
  • test the evidence base on skills need and those sectors on which the service will focus
  • direct expertise to the programme, including identifying links and partnerships that would support the development, delivery and wider expansion of a talent attraction service
  • through the development of an effective Talent Attraction and Migration Service, support Scotland to become a career destination of choice

Secretariat to the Industry Advisory Group for rUK Talent Attraction is provided by the Skills Division, Scottish Government.


  • Graeme Dey, Minister for Higher and Further Education and Minister for Veterans (Chair)
  • Justin Black, Business Director, Hays Technology Scotland
  • Craig Clark, Professor of Practice for Space, University of Strathclyde
  • Mark Cowan, HR Director, Scottish Leather Group
  • Shona Darroch, HR Business Partner, Diodes
  • Steven Grier, Country and Regional Manager, Microsoft (UK)
  • Colin Halpin, Scottish Financial Enterprise Board member and Global Head of Market Data Management, Barclays
  • Emma Harcus, Head of Global Networks, Scottish Enterprise/Scottish Development International
  • Gordon McGuinness, Director of Industry and Enterprise Networks, Skills Development Scotland
  • Karen Meechan, CEO ScotlandIS
  • Greig Rooney, Valneva 
  • Linda Spence, Team Leader, TalentScotland
  • Ross Tuffee, CEO,
  • Lloyd Vaughan, Co-Director, Nile HQ
  • Morag Watson, Director of Policy, Scottish Renewables


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