
Input-Output Expert User Group



The purpose of the group is to bring together producers and users of the Scottish Input-Output tables to share expertise and experiences. The group will consider the practical uses of Input-Output both within government and externally, gaining a better understanding of the range of uses made of the Scottish Input-Output tables; identify the key areas of work done by external experts, highlighting strengths and weaknesses that have been brought to light through this more detailed usage; seek to improve the quality of the tables by looking at methodological improvements and new data sources; and, explore ways to improve the service that the Scottish Government Input-Output team provide to external/internal users.

The main elements of this are:

  • to develop an understanding of the range of uses of Input-Output analysis in Scotland
  • to develop an understanding of the service that Input-Output branch can provide to both internal and external users to enhance the use of the analysis
  • to discuss technical aspects of existing methodologies, developmental work and new analysis
  • to discuss and to seek advice relating to the development of the more flexible new Input-Output system to provide tailor-made analysis

In these respects the group will:

  • consider existing work, both internally and externally, that is being undertaken using the Scottish Input-Output tables
  • identifying any issue/problems highlighted with this more detailed use of the data
  • provide advice on potential solutions to these identified issues, and on any additional resource implications
  • set up temporary working groups, as necessary, to consider particular data/developmental issues when necessary
  • contribute to two way discussion on future developments and requirements of the Scottish Input-Output tables

An archive of past papers and minutes of this group may be found at this page of the National Records of Scotland archive of

Related groups


Name - Organisation
Carrie Graham - Scottish Government
Chris Adams - City of Edinburgh Council
Chris Ganley - Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Christian Reynolds - University of Sheffield
Deb Roberts - James Hutton Institute and University of Aberdeen
Duncan Whitehead - Scottish Government
Eóin Flaherty - Central Statistics Office, Ireland
Eric Crane - Office for National Statistics
Eric McVittie - Independent Consultant
Gary Campbell - Scottish Government
Gayle Mackie - Scottish Government 
Geoff Riddington - GRID Economics
Grant Allan - University of Strathclyde, Fraser of Allander Institute
Hervey Gibson - SAFER / University of Glasgow
Iain McNicoll - Viewforth Consulting / Strathclyde University
Iain Pearce - Scottish Government
Jack Williamson - University of Strathclyde, Fraser of Allander Institute
James Black - University of Strathclyde, Fraser of Allander Insititute
Jay Ware - Scottish Government
John Dowens - Scottish Government
Jonathan Bonville-Ginn - Welsh Government
Julija Harrasova - Scottish Governemnt
Karen Turner - University of Strathclyde, The Centre For Energy Policy
Kim Swales - University of Strathclyde, Fraser of Allander Institute
Mairi Spowage - University of Strathclyde, Fraser of Allander Institute
Martin Irvine - Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Nicola Hudson - Scottish Parliament Information Centre
Raymond MacIntyre - Visit Scotland
Richard Harris - Durham University
Richard Marsh - 4-Consulting
Russell Whyte - Historic Scotland
Sandy Stewart - Scottish Government
Sanjiv Mahajan - Office for National Statistics
Stevan Croasdale (Chair) - Scottish Government
Stuart McIntyre - University of Strathclyde



Please contact the Input-Output team directly if you have any questions about the group.


Telephone: +44 (0)131 244 3330

The Scottish Government
Input-Output team
Room 4WR
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

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