
Inshore Fisheries Management and Conservation group (IFMAC)


This group is no longer active.



The Inshore Fisheries Management and Conservation Group (IFMAC) will complement the RIFG network by focusing on national, as opposed to local, inshore issues and covering inshore sea areas not covered by RIFGs (e.g. 6-12 nm).

Having regard to the high level objectives of the National Marine Plan and Marine Scotland inshore fisheries policies, IFMAC will make recommendations to Marine Scotland on matters connected to:

  • the development of national inshore fishing policies and legislation relating to the management and conservation of the sea in the 0-12 nm zone, and effects on the marine environment so as to ensure a viable Scottish fishing industry and the maintenance of sustainable fishing communities
  • the allocation and management of inshore fishing opportunities available to vessels managed by the Scottish Government, seeking, where possible, to align management measures with economic objectives identified by the Scottish Seafood Partnership
  • the development of national measures designed to better conserve and sustainably exploit stocks of sea fish and shellfish, and to enable fishermen and other persons with an interest to contribute to such development


IFMAC will meet at least once annually, with additional meetings being arranged as and when deemed necessary.

Marine Scotland will organise meetings, either solely or in co-operation with members.

Members will normally be expected to nominate a single representative to attend meetings (because of their role it is accepted that fishing federations may wish to nominate more).

There may be occasions when certain members may wish to nominate additional representatives, which may be permitted subject to the agreement of Marine Scotland and following consultation if required.

Marine Scotland and members may propose items for the agenda, and will do so by notifying the secretary in writing.

Marine Scotland and members may, by agreement, invite individuals to present on specific topics.

Marine Scotland will, where possible, circulate papers in advance of meetings to allow members due time for consideration.

The papers and note of meetings, once agreed by members, will be published on the Scottish Government website.

Working groups 

IFMAC may convene working groups in order to consider inshore matters, which many be sector-specific or on particular issues as they arise, and make recommendations to Marine Scotland. 

Marine Scotland and members may propose the formation of a working group at any time.

Marine Scotland will facilitate the management of working groups, whose business may be conducted at meetings or through correspondence. 

Minutes and papers prior to 2019 can be found in the website archive:


Marine Scotland will chair IFMAC and provide secretarial support.

Membership will be open to the following organisations:

  • regional inshore fisheries groups
  • fishing associations that represent a minimum of 10 inshore fishing vessels
  • national fishing federations
  • non-governmental organisations with a national interest in inshore fisheries 
  • any other organisation, subject to the agreement of the above members

 Changes to the membership can be made at any time.

 Membership may be subject to a general review every 18 months.


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