Net zero: Investor Panel


This group is no longer active.


The Investor Panel has been set up to:

  • explore how we can attract investment to Scotland that supports our transition to net zero
  • bring investor intelligence to policy and regulatory development early in the process

The group was set up following a commitment in our National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

Chaired by the First Minister, the panel will provide advice and intelligence on:

  • how Scotland can attract global capital investment and the infrastructure required to transition to net zero
  • current and future market opportunities to help improve Scotland’s performance in attracting mobile capital investment
  • investing in Scottish, UK and international markets to support policy and regulatory development and help create the right landscape and conditions to attract capital investment

The Panel will provide a set of conclusions, recommendations and advice by late summer 2023.


Panel members

  • First Minister, Co-chair
  • Angus Macpherson, Noble and Co, Co-chair
  • Andrew Telfer, Baillie Gifford
  • Alexandra Basirov, Bank of America
  • Michael McGhee /John Watson, Global Infrastructure Partners
  • Shane Corstorphine, former Finance Chief Skyscanner, Non-Executive Director Sykes Holiday
  • Gavin Templeton, Pollination Group
  • Baroness Margaret Ford, Chair of Deloitte UK Audit Governance Board
  • Judith Cruikshank, RBS

Advisors to the panel

  • Peter Reekie, Scottish Futures Trust
  • Willie Watt, Scottish National Investment Bank

The Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise will also attend panel meetings when possible


Net Zero - Investor Panel: terms of reference

Investor Panel recommendations: Scottish Government response

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