Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group


This group is no longer active.


The Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group (formerly HPAG) brings together stakeholders from across the housing sector.

Working with Scottish Government officials, the group's remit is to ensure that actions in the five-year Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland, published in 2015, are taken forward.

The JHPDG is committed to producing an annual progress report. The latest covers the period 2018-2019, and includes reflections from the co-chairs of the plenary group as well as case studies to illustrate what can be achieved by the housing sector through co-production and a willingness to learn from each other.


The following bodies are represented on the Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group:

  • African Housing Forum
  • Architecture and Design Scotland
  • Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers
  • Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Construction Scotland
  • Existing Homes Alliance
  • Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations
  • Heads of Planning Scotland
  • Homes for Scotland
  • Independent Living in Scotland
  • National Estate Agents Association
  • NHS Health Scotland
  • Regional Network of Registered Tenants Organisations
  • Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Scotland
  • Royal Town Planning Institute
  • Rural Housing Scotland
  • Scottish Association of Landlords
  • Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
  • Scottish Fuel Poverty Forum
  • Scottish Futures Trust
  • Scottish Housing Regulator
  • Scottish Property Federation
  • Scottish Solicitors’ Property Centres
  • Shelter Scotland
  • Tenant Information Service
  • Tenant Participation Advisory Service
  • Trust Housing Association
  • UK Finance
  • University Construction Innovation Unit
  • University Urban Studies Department – Housing Economics


Joint Housing Delivery Plan for Scotland




Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Joint Housing Policy and Delivery Group
Scottish Government
Directorate for Housing and Social Justice
Area 2H North
Victoria Quay

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