
Just Transition Commission


This Just Transition Commission page is no longer being updated.  The Commission is still active and is appointed by ministers to act independently. The Commission work can be viewed directly at

For the Scottish Government a just transition is both the outcome – a fairer, greener future for all – and the process that must be undertaken in partnership with those impacted by the transition to net zero. It supports a net zero and climate resilient economy in a way that delivers fairness and tackles inequality and injustice.

To support the delivery of this ambition, the Scottish Government has committed to lead the production of key just transition plans, in a way that is co-designed and co-delivered by communities, businesses, unions and workers, and all society. The key roles of the Just Transition Commission will be to support the production and monitoring of such plans, providing expert advice on their development.

Specifically, the Commission will be tasked with:

  • providing scrutiny and advice on the ongoing development of Scottish Government led just transition plans, including the application of the Just Transition Planning Framework
  • advising on the most suitable approaches to monitoring and evaluation
  • undertaking meaningful engagement with those most likely to be impacted by the transition, hearing from a broad range of representative voices and advising on how to ensure these can shape and contribute to just transition planning work in Scotland
  • engaging and collaborating with other sources of expertise, including relevant Scottish Government advisory bodies and relevant programmes of work (including, but not limited to the Committee on Climate Change, the Poverty and Inequality Commission, Fair Work Convention, the Council of Economic Advisors and the development of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation)
  • publishing an annual report to reflect on Scotland’s progress

At the start of each work year, the Minister for Just Transition, Employability and Fair Work will write to the Commission advising them of planned government work that can help inform the development of the Commission’s own work plan. Scottish Ministers may also make ad-hoc requests for advice in support of just transition planning.

The independent commission will be responsible for developing its own work plan with the support from the Just Transition Commission Secretariat.

In the process of carrying out its functions, the Commission will be expected to engage widely with those likely to be affected by the transition to net-zero, particularly with the business sector, workers, trade unions, community organisations and young people. They will also be expected to take in to account wider equalities, including all protected characteristics. There will be a budget to support additional information and evidence gathering. This will be for the purpose of, identifying gaps and helping shape research questions, rather than carrying out major primary research per se.

Membership biographies

Read the Just Transition Commission member biographies.


A previous Just Transition Commission met between 2019 and 2021. You can view its work in the archive. This commission will be delivery focused and will support and scrutinise the production and delivery of Scottish Government-led transition plans.

A new website for the Just Transition Commission Scotland has been developed.



Just Transition Commission Secretariat
PO Box 24152

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