Planning: Key Agencies Group


The Key Agencies Group was established in 2008 and comprises a group of public bodies that are recognised as supporting the delivery of culture change in land use planning through improved joint working.  Our aim is to work together to deliver great places for Scotland.

The focus of our activity is to support the delivery of the four themes identified in (draft) National Planning Framework 4 (sustainable, liveable, productive and distinctive places) in a way that aligns strongly with the National Performance Framework vision and outcomes. We will achieve this through place-based collaboration in line with the Place Principle.  

More information about our objectives, approach and how we operate are set out in our terms of reference.

The video below further describes the role of the group:


The group meets quarterly to review our progress under our committed targets and seeks to engage with all sectors in the planning system. The group has a number of core commitments, focused around:

  • providing clear and practical planning advice and policies
  • identifying areas to improve culture change
  • working together on development plan engagement
  • supporting the delivery of culture change through improved joint working
  • promoting pre-application discussions
  • developing skills across the various sectors to improve performance
  • engaging with planners, developers, trade bodies and Scottish Government

Minutes of the meetings are in the 'Documents' section at the bottom of this page.

Previous minutes of the Key Agencies Group are available in our website archive. 

Planning performance reports

Several members of the Key Agencies Group prepare annual planning performance reports detailing their engagement in the planning system for the current year:

Each year the Key Agencies also come together for a peer-review session and the preparation of a joint statement on planning performance:

Group statements


The group comprises a number of Key Agencies and other organisations which play a role in supporting the development plan process. 

Planning regulations define Key Agencies as:

While legislation cannot specify them individually, the following bodies should have the same level of involvement in the development plan process:

The group also works in partnership with a number of other organisations that support the planning system, including:




Group chair: Heather Claridge

Group vice chair (acting secretariat): Peter Noad 

Twitter: @KeyAgenciesScot

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