Mental health and wellbeing strategy: Leadership Board


The leadership board was established in August 2024 to support and oversee the ten priorities and related actions set out in the mental health strategy, delivery plan and workforce action plan

In particular, the board will:

  • ensure that the joint chairs have access to information and perspectives as appropriate to inform decisions relating to the delivery of the strategy
  • provide national, collective leadership and strategic oversight of priorities
  • ensure that activity is ongoing which delivers clear benefits and improvements, aligned with the strategy’s vision, outcomes and principles
  • oversee the financial framework for delivery and support consideration of the prioritisation of resources
  • provide constructive support, scrutiny of progress and challenge as appropriate, considering any risks or issues raised, ensuring progress against actions set out in the delivery plan and workforce action plan, influencing change and removing barriers to progress
  • in doing so, engage directly with those leading commitments in the delivery plan as needed
  • agree the mechanism for, and provide oversight of, evaluating the impact of interventions and sharing learning
  • make recommendations on future refreshes of the delivery plan and workforce action plan


  • Maree Todd MSP, SG  
  • Cllr Paul Kelly, COSLA 
  • Julie Humphries, Deputy Director, Tackling Child Poverty and Financial Wellbeing 
  • Claire Renton, Deputy Director, Employability, Directorate for Jobs and Wellbeing Economy 
  • Richard Foggo, Director of Population Health, Directorate for Population Health 
  • Cat Dalrymple, Director, Directorate for Justice 
  • Eddie Fraser, Solace lead for HSC
  • Nicola Dickie, Director of People Policy
  • Eddie Follan, Chief Officer, Health and Social Care
  • Gary Jenkins, State Hospital, Board Chief Executives 
  • Caroline Cameron, Chief Officer, North Ayrshire
  • Alison White, Chief Officer West Lothian, HSCP Chief Officer 
  • Lee Knifton, Partnership Chair, Scotland’s Mental Health Partnership (SMHP) 
  • Alan Webb, Chief Officer of Third Sector D and G, Scottish TSI Network 
  • Laura Kerr, Head of Policy and Workforce, Social Work Scotland 
  • Margaret Callander, Unison 
  • Mhairi Selkirk, Unite
  • Peter Johnston, Consultant Pathologist, NHS Grampian 
  • Catherine McWilliam, IOD Scotland
  • Gordon Johnston, VOX
  • Angela Jackson, Diverse Experience Advisory Panel    
  • Rebecca Hoffman, LGBT Health and Wellbeing
  • Monique Campbell, See Me    
  • Stephen Gallagher, SG, Director of Mental Health     
  • Dr Alastair Cook, Principal Medical Officer for Mental Health     
  • Ally Winford, Mental Health Directorate


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