Mental Health Quality and Safety Board


This group is no longer active.


The purpose of the Mental Health Quality and Safety Board, which is chaired by the Minister for Mental Health, is to provide advice on the development and implementation of policy in relation to safe, effective and quality mental health services in Scotland. Importantly, the voices and experiences of those with lived experience and a rights’ based approach, as enshrined in mental health legislation, are at the centre.

The board has an advisory function in relation to patient safety and care, quality standards and scrutiny and assurance. 

It  also provides advice on progress against key commitments within the Mental Health Transition and Recovery Plan, as well as on two of the national recommendations made by David Strang in the Independent Inquiry Report on Tayside’s mental health services:

  • a national review of the guidelines for responding to substance misuse on inpatient wards is required
  • a national review of the assurance and scrutiny of mental health services across Scotland, including the powers of Health Improvement Scotland and the Mental Welfare Commission Scotland

The group formally concluded its work on 23 April 2024.


Core membership

  • Scottish Government
  • AHP Federation Scotland
  • Association of Clinical Psychologists
  • Carer’s Trust
  • Chief Officers of Integrated Joint Boards
  • Chief Social Workers
  • COSLA (who will also represent SOLACE)
  • Health and Social Care Alliance
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Mental Welfare Commission
  • NHS Chief Executives
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Scottish Executive Nursing Directors
  • VOX Scotland


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