
National Economic Forum


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The National Economic Forum (NEF) is a biannual event which brings together Scottish Ministers and figures in business, trade unions, government, the wider public sector and the third sector to focus on the opportunities and challenges faced with developing Scotland’s economy.

Each NEF has a different, economy-related focus and is part of a programme of engagement with businesses and business organisations across Scotland which enables them to influence and contribute to the development and effective delivery of key policy initiatives.

NEF is held in spring and autumn at locations across Scotland although events in 2020 and 2021 were held on a virtual basis. Attendance at NEF is by invitation.

Recent events

Recent NEFs have covered the following themes:

  • a National Endeavour: Implementing the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (hybrid event in Edinburgh, March 2022)
  • Transforming Scotland’s Economy; Working Together to Secure a Successful Future (virtual event, June 2021)
  • Economic Recovery and Resilience: Investing in our Future (virtual event, November 2020)
  • Meeting the Future Skills Challenge (Stirling, December 2019)


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