
National Mission on Drugs: National Collaborative


The First Minister has appointed Professor Alan Miller to lead the National Collaborative process to integrate human rights into drug and alcohol policy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

The National Collaborative will develop a human rights-based approach and be a dynamic process involving people with experience of problem substance use as well as people responsible for delivering support services. A human rights-based approach places people and their human dignity and rights at the centre of all policy and decision-making.

The purpose of the National Collaborative is:

  • to empower people affected by problem substance use to enable their voices – and, critically, their rights - to be acted upon in policy and decision-making concerning the design, delivery and regulation of drug and alcohol services at a national level
  • to set out how the rights to be included in the forthcoming Human Rights Bill can be effectively implemented to improve the lives of people affected by problem substance use

We are currently developing and consulting on a proposed Roadmap to set out a way forward for the National Collaborative process.

How to get involved in the National Collaborative

There will be several ways for people to begin to get involved in the National Collaborative process; both at a national level and feeding in through local community groups. The structure set out in the Roadmap is the initial format to get the process started. It will be evaluated on an ongoing basis as the work evolves.

We have issued an open Call for Nominations to the Change Team and Reference groups, which includes more information on the range of roles and how to get involved. The deadline for nominations to the Change Team is Wednesday 31 August 2022. Nominations for Reference Groups are welcomed on an ongoing basis.

If you have any questions about the National Collaborative and the nominations process please get in touch with the support team at

Find further information and updates on the National Collaborative.



  • Professor Alan Miller, University of Strathclyde


  • to be confirmed


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