
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board


This group is no longer active.


The Oversight Board for Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children was convened at the direction of the Scottish Government Director General for Health and Social Care and Chief Executive of NHSScotland, further to his letter of 22 November 2019 to the Chairman and Chief Executive of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

The  purpose of the Oversight Board is to support NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in determining what steps are necessary to ensure the delivery of and increase public confidence in safe, accessible, high-quality, person-centred care at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children, and to advise the Director General that such steps have been taken. In particular, the Board will seek to:

  • ensure appropriate governance is in place in relation to infection prevention, management and control
  • strengthen practice to mitigate avoidable harms, particularly with respect to infection prevention, management and control
  • improve how families with children being cared for or monitored by the haemato-oncology service have received relevant information and been engaged with
  • confirm that relevant environments at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children are and continue to be safe
  • oversee and consider recommendations for action further to  the review of relevant cases, including cases of infection
  • provide oversight on connected issues that emerge
  • consider the lessons learned that could be shared across NHS Scotland
  • provide advice to the Director General about potential de-escalation of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board from Stage 4


  • Professor Fiona McQueen (Chair), Chief Nursing Officer, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Keith Morris (Deputy Chair), Medical Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Professor Hazel Borland, Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals & Healthcare Associated Infection Executive Lead, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Professor Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead, Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate, Scottish Government
  • Dr Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley and Co-chair of Managed Service Network for Children & Young People with Cancer (MSN CYPC)
  • Professor John Cuddihy, Families representative
  • Lesley Shepherd, Professional Advisor, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Alan Morrison, Health Finance Directorate, Scottish Government
  • Sandra Aitkenhead, CNOD, Scottish Government (secondee)
  • Greig Chalmers, Interim Deputy Director, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Support, CNOD, Scottish Government
  • Calum Henderson (Secretariat), Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Support Unit, CNOD, Scottish Government


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Oversight Board: terms of reference



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