NHS Scotland Executive Group
This group was created in October 2024 to support NHS boards and senior leaders to work cooperatively regionally and nationally.
It is jointly chaired by the Director General/Chief Executive for NHS Scotland or Chief Operating Officer and the Chair or Vice Chair of the NHS Chief Executives Group, with meetings running on a six week cycle.
Items brought to the group are jointly owned by Scottish Government and NHS Scotland Chief Executives and the group will make decisions and recommendations to affected boards on what services should be delivered over more than one health board area.
Related groups
NHS representatives
- Chief Executive NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Chief Executive NHS Borders
- Chief Executive NHS Dumfries and Galloway
- Chief Executive NHS Fife
- Chief Executive NHS Forth Valley
- Chief Executive NHS Grampian
- Chief Executive NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- Chief Executive NHS Highland
- Chief Executive NHS Lanarkshire
- Chief Executive NHS Lothian
- Chief Executive NHS Orkney
- Chief Executive NHS Shetland
- Chief Executive NHS Tayside
- Chief Executive NHS Western Isles
- Chief Executive Healthcare Improvement Scotland
- Chief Executive NHS Education for Scotland
- Chief Executive NHS Golden Jubilee
- Chief Executive NHS 24 Chief Executive Public Health Scotland
- Chief Executive NHS National Services Scotland
- Chief Executive Scottish Ambulance Service
- Chief Executive State Hospitals Board
Scottish Government representatives
- DG/CE NHS Scotland Health and Social Care Directorates
- Chief Operating Officer NHS Scotland, Chief Operating Officer Directorate
- Director of Health and Social Care Finance, Directorate for Health Finance
- Chief People Officer, Directorate for Health Workforce
- Director of Social Care Resilience and Improvement, Directorate for Social Care Resilience and Improvement
- Co-Director of Population Health, Directorate of Population Health
- Chief Medical Officer, Directorate for Chief Medical Officer
- Interim Chief Nursing Officer, Directorate for Chief Nursing Officer
Additional Scottish Government representatives as required
- Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Planning and Sponsorship, Chief Operating Officer Directorate
- Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Performance and Delivery, Chief Operating Officer Directorate
- National Clinical Lead for Quality and Safety, Directorate for Healthcare Quality and Improvement
- Director of Health Workforce, Directorate for Health Workforce
- Director of Social Care and NCS Development, Directorate for Social Care and NCS Development
- Co-Director of Population Health, Directorate for Population Health
- Director of Primary Care, Directorate for Primary Care
- Director of Mental Health, Directorate for Digital Health and Care
- Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Directorate for Chief Medical Officer
- Chief Dental Officer, Directorate for Primary Care
- Director for Children and Families, Directorate for Children and Families
Additional service representatives as required
Can be drawn from NHS Director cohort – but can include the following eg:
- Medical Director/Co-Chair of SAMD NHS Highland
- Medical Director/Co-Chair of SAMD NHS Golden Jubilee
- Executive Nurse Director/Chair of SEND NHS Grampian
- Chair, Directors of Finance (DoFs) Scottish Ambulance Service
- Chair, Directors of HR (HRDs) NHS Lanarkshire
- Chair, Directors of Planning (DoPs); NHS Ayrshire and Arran
- Directors of Public Health (DPH) NHS Grampian
Other representatives
- OCENHS Team Scottish Government
- Executive Support Team NHS NSS
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