Digital Identity Expert Group


The Digital Identity Expert Group provides expert advice to inform the design, direction and prioritisation of our Digital Identity Programme. 

Read more about the role, remit, responsibilities and further information on the group.

Related groups


  • Gavin McLachlan, Vice-Principal and Chief Information Officer, and librarian to the University, University of Edinburgh (Chair) 

  • Abbe Brown, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Aberdeen University 

  • Charles Raab, Director of CRISP (Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy), and Edinburgh University 

  • Edgar Whitley, Associate Professor (Reader) at the London School of Economics and Co-chair of UK Government Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group (PCAG) 

  • Ken Macdonald, Head of ICO Regions, Information Commissioner's Office 

  • Colin Birchenall, Chief Digital Officer, Glasgow City Council and Chief Technology Officer, Digital Office for Scottish local government 

  • Jerry Fishenden, independent expert 

  • Adam Cooper, independent expert 

  • Robert Clubb, Independent expert 

  • Robert McKechnie, Head of Product, Equifax 

  • Doreen Grove, Head of Open Government, Scottish Government 

  • Louise Bennett, Co-chair of UK Government Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group 

  • Neil Allison, University of Edinburgh, Head of Prospective Student Web Content User Centred Design 

  • Diego Quiroz, human rights and privacy expert 


Digital Identity Expert Group: terms of reference




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