
Partnership for Action on Drugs in Scotland Executive Group


This group is no longer active.


The purpose of the Partnership for Action on Drugs in Scotland (PADS) is to provide the necessary leadership in order to continue to tackle problem alcohol and drug use in Scotland. The Partnership will coordinate, direct and oversee the implementation of a programme of work, particularly through three themed groups, to deliver outcomes and benefits that minimise harm caused by problem drug use by:

  • improve prevention of drug problems, meaning people are less likely to develop a substance misuse problem;
  • enabling sustained recovery, meaning people receive support which helps them recover from problem drug use;
  • reducing harm to people taking drugs and others, including children and families

PADS believes that individuals, families and communities in Scotland have the right to live their lives unharmed by problem substance use. We understand that this is a complex problem, with associated stigma, for society and individuals, and can be both created and compounded by a range of significant inequalities. In responding to such inequalities, and their harmful consequences, we believe that problem substance users and  their families and communities, deserve our help, support and resources to create the kinds of changes that they wish to see in their lives and environment. The prevention of substance use problems lies at the heart of our approach.

Minutes and papers for older meetings of the group are available in our website archive. 


  • Mr Joe FitzPatrick: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing
  • Mr Garry Coutts: Chair, Children’s Hearing System
  • Mr Andrew Horne: Director, Addaction
  • Mr Neil Hunter: Principal Reporter/Chief Executive, Scottish Childrens Reporter Administration
  • Mr Kenny Leinster: Chief Social Work Officer and Head of Community Health and Care, South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership 
  • Dr David McCartney: Clinical Lead , Lothians & Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP)
  • Ms Susanne Millar: Chief Officer, Planning, Strategy and Commissioning Glasgow City HSCP & CSWO / Chair Glasgow ADP
  • Dr Tessa Parkes: Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences & Dean of Equality and Diversity, University of Stirling
  • Mr John McKenzie: Safer Communities Division, Police Scotland
  • Dr Roy Robertson: GP Muirhouse, Edinburgh &University of Edinburgh
  • Ms Celia Tennant: Chief Executive, Inspiring Scotland
  • Mr Daniel Kleinberg: Head of Health Improvement, Scottish Government


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